U18 Recreation 2024-2025
Under-18 (U18) - is for players born in 2007, 2008, 2009
Recreation Director: Megan Provencher - recreationhockey@kamloopsminorhockey.com
Kamloops Minor Hockey Office - info@kamloopsminorhockey.com
U18 Recreation: This is a recreational level of hockey. Players in the Recreational Program will be evaluated. Using these evaluations, the players will be drafted on to teams, with our best efforts to create balanced teams. The year will consist of a weekday games with another U18Recreation team, Mon, Tues, and the odd Saturday evening will be scheduled game days. We will be adding practices for the 2024/2025 season. Each team will receive a practice every second week, likely on Sunday evenings. These practices will be shared with another U18 team. There will be one home tournament for the team and they may attend up to two away tournaments, if the coach and parents/team agree to do so. Due to the difficulty of being accepted into tournaments, there may be instances where a coach (or manager) has felt it necessary to apply to tournaments prior to team approval. Each team will have a team budget to offset expenses for the season. Typically, each player will pay a team fee of up to $300, depending on tournaments and exhibition games. There is minimal travel, in the form of occasional exhibition games, and lower expense at this level; and players will experience great hockey while having fun. There is a competitive element to the league with playoffs being played at the end of the season with our two top teams playing in “The Night of Champions”.
PLEASE NOTE – We will not know until after July 1st if BC Hockey will allow Overage Players on U18 teams. Please send us an email and we will wait list those players that are interested.
Overage (2006 birth year) players will be waitlisted based on the date they register until we know how many teams we will have in U18 Recreation. BC Hockey’s policy states that teams are allowed to have 2 Overage Players on their roster. An Overage player cannot have played Rep hockey within the past 2 seasons and have to be approved by BC Hockey before they can be added to a team roster. Players playing history will be taken into consideration before being approved. KMHA reserves the right to decline registration of any overage player.
Fees for waitlisted Overage U18 players will not be due until we can determine if there is room for them.
Priority will be given to Overage Males for the U18 Recreation Division teams.
Overage (2006 birth year) Females will be waitlisted for participation on a U18 Female Recreation team.