ALL Players - MUST be registered by JULY 1st and paid in full by August 31st. Unpaid registrations after August 31st will be subject to a $100 Late Fee and or registration maybe cancelled (the only exception to this is Rep tryout players that are trying out for higher level teams outside of our association - please indicate this on your registration or if you are a New player to the Association.
After August 31st, players may be waitlisted. all players (including new players, transferring players and players that did not participate with us last season, excluding players that played on BC Hockey hosted teams), until we know how many players we have room for.
To get a receipt for registration, log into your TeamSnap account from a computer. You cannot get your receipt from the mobile app.
KMHA TeamSnap Registration User Guide
Registration Information
4-5-6 | 2018-2020 | U7 - Returning & New players | 575.00 | 100.00 | n/a |
7-8 | 2016 - 2017 | U9 - Returning & New players | 575.00 | 100.00 | 50.00 |
9-10 | 2014-2015 | U11 | 695.00 | 100.00 | 125.00 |
11-12 | 2012-2013 | U13 | 695.00 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
13-14 | 2010-2011 | U15 | 695.00 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
15-16-17 | 2007-2009 | U18 Recreation | 650.00 | 100.00 | n/a |
15-16-17 | 2007-2009 | U18 Rep | 695.00 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
15-16-17 | 2007-2009 | U18 Female Rep | 695.00 | 100.00 | 225.00 |
15-16-17 | 2007-2009 | U18 Female Recreation | 695.00 | 100.00 | n/a |
18 (Overage) | 2006 | U18 Recreation | 650.00 | n/a | n/a |
18 (Overage) | 2006 | U18 Female Recreation | 695.00 | n/a | n/a |
Fees, refunds, funding, etc.:
- August 31st is the Fee Payment deadline. This means the player must be registered online by July 1st and fees paid in full by August 31st.
- Registrations that are not paid in full by August 31st will be subject to a $100 Late Fee and or registration may be cancelled. If the player decides to re-register after September 1st, they may be placed on the waitlist until we can determine if we have room for them.
- Payment can be made Online or Offline. If you chose Offline at the time of registration check-out you can still log back into your Team Snap account and pay online using a credit card. Team Snap charges 3.25% plus $1.50 when using a credit card.
- Installments can be arranged through Team Snap upon registration completion on the Checkout page using a Credit Card or contact the office if you wish to make installments via Interac e-transfer.
- Offline payment - Interac e-transfer (send to kamhockey@telus.net - no password required - please include the players name).
- Offline payment - Cheque (send to the mailing address at the bottom of this page). A $50 NSF fee will be charged on any returned cheques.
- Refunds will be given for cancelled registrations only. The refund will be pro-rated based on the cancellation date, will be subject to a $50 administration fee and less the Hockey Canada Insurance Fee of $23.80 as well as any outstanding fees owed by the family to a team or KMHA. No Refunds after November 30th.
- If registering 3 or more players from the same family, a multi-player discount of $300 total will be applied.
- Funding (KidSport, Jumpstart, etc.) - If you are applying for funding, please do so as soon as possible and notify us once you have received confirmation from the funding organization. Funding must be in place and any remaining fees paid by August 31st to avoid cancellation. If you pay fees to KMHA and then obtain funding, we will reimburse you. You must apply directly to the funding organization, KMHA does not apply for funding on your behalf.
- Team Fees - U11 Development and Rep team players will be required to contribute a monthly amount toward the team budget- as voted on by the parents (budgets will vary depending on the age group and the tier of the team).
- Team Fees - Recreation team fees typically vary between $200 - $300 per player, per season, depending on the teams budget (as voted on by the parents) and level of team fundraising planned.
- Jersey Fee - $100 one time non-refundable fee is collected at the time of registration for all new players to Kamloops Minor Hockey Association.
New Players:
- A new player is one that has never played hockey before or is new to our association.
- New Players will require a Hockey Canada ID to register. The ID number can be obtained by completing the Respect In Sport (Parent) course or, if you have taken the course in the past, add the new player in Child Management and a Hockey ID will be created for them.
- All New Players are REQUIRED to provide a Birth Certificate, either by uploading online at the time of registration or by email to kamhockey@telus.net
- For more Information on the Respect In Sport (Parent) course, please go to our Resources page - https://kamloopsminorhockey.com/resources/
Transferring Players:
- Players moving to Kamloops from another minor hockey association are not able to register until their players Hockey Canada profile is transferred into our database (after June 1st)
- For transfer information please email kamhockey@telus.net
Carpooling/Team Placement requests:
- Due to the large number of players in our association and the need to try and balance teams, requests to be on a specific team with another player/coach will not be accepted.
Players trying out for a U11 Development or Rep team:
- August 31st is the payment deadline for the tryout fee, $125 for U11 Development & $225 for U13 Tier 2 & 3, U15 Tier 2 & 3 and U18 Tier 2.
- Tryout fees are non-refundable.
- Players selected to a Rep team will pay an additional fee of $450, at the time of carding, once teams are finalized in September. This fee is non-refundable.
- Players selected to a U11 Development team will pay an additional fee of $350, at the time of carding, once teams are finalized in September. This fee is non-refundable.
- If a parent signs up a player for tryouts and that player makes a team then decides they do not want to play, they will forfeit their ability to tryout for a Rep hockey team in the following season, except under special circumstances.
- All players that are registered for tryouts MUST have a signed Rep Program Commitment form uploaded to their Team Snap registration to be eligible to participate in tryouts.
AAA and Junior tryout players:
- U15 and U18 players trying out for higher level teams outside of our association are still required to register with us by June 30th if there is a chance that they will be attending our tryouts.
- Please indicate at the time of registration your intention to tryout at a higher level.
- Fees are not due for players that are trying out for higher level teams until they have been released from the higher level tryouts and it is determined that the player will be participating in our tryouts at which time the fees are due in full.
U15 & U18 AA Thompson Zone teams:
- Players that intend on trying out for one of the Thompson Zone AA teams are asked to indicate that at the time of registration.
- AA tryout information will be posted on the KMHA website under the Rep Tryouts tab.
Female Hockey:
- KMHA tries to have female only teams in all divisions U9 and above.
- The number of females registering for female only teams (both rep and recreation) will determine the number of female only teams that we have.
- Players who register as a New goalie (never played goal previously) and completing the entire 2024-2025 season as a goalie in Recreation (if room permits) will have their registration fees returned at the end of the season. Please send email to kamhockey@telus.net once you have registered your player as a goalie.
- KMHA reserves the right to limit the number of goaltenders per division.
- Registrants in U13 and above wishing to participate as a goaltender must register as such and are required to provide their own goaltending equipment.
- Due to the large number of goaltenders in some age groups, acceptance for this position will be based on the date of registration.
- Every effort will be made to accommodate all goaltenders.
Overage U18 Players:
- Please send an email to kamhockey@telus.net if you would like to be put on the list for participation as an Overage Player on a KMHA U18 Recreation team.
- Players will be waitlisted in the order of the email being received.
- Fees for waitlisted Overage U18 Players will not be due until we can determine if we can accommodate them.
- Priority will be given to males for the U18 Recreation Division teams.
- Females will be waitlisted for participation on a U18 Female Recreation team.
- Players will be contacted via email with registration and payment instructions as soon as we have determined if we can accept them.

Inside the lobby of the McArthur Island Sport and Event Centre, 1665 Island Parkway, Kamloops.
PO Box 24018, 74B - 700 Tranquille Road,
Kamloops, BC V2B 8R3